Samsung strebt einstweilige Verfügung gegen Apples iPhone 4S an

IPhoneBlog de Verfuegung

The patents in question are considered “essential,” which means that Samsung has an obligation to license them to any competitor on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms in the E.U.

Das Wall Street Journal berichtete über diese neuste Episode des (andauernden) Rechtsstreits zuerst. Die beste Zusammenfassung mit neutraler Beurteilung liefert jedoch (erneut) FOSS Patents.

Standards-essential patents are not supposed to be used that way. […] The industry at large depends on everyone honoring those commitments. This here is not just about two companies, Apple and Samsung. This is about the very basis on which this industry operates.

Samsung’s determination to fight hard is admirable. I don’t support some of Apple’s overreaching claims. I repeatedly criticized the overly right holder-friendly stance of the Düsseldorf Regional Court in connection with the German Galaxy Tab 10.1 injunction. […] But the use of standards patents as a weapon is something I cannot support or defend.