Microsofts ganzer Stolz: das Android-Lizenzprogramm

IPhoneBlog de Android

According to ABI, Android has much bigger install base compared to iOS, with 2.4 users for every iOS user worldwide. […] But even with the bigger footprint, iOS users still download more apps individually than average Android users by a 2 to 1 ratio.

Der Situationsbeschreibung hinzuzufügen ist: Google blickt stolz auf (weltweit) 400 (!) unterschiedliche Geräte mit Android Betriebssystem. Dessen Plattform-Mix bleibt ‚bunt‘. Und Microsoft streicht für die Hälfte aller Androids Patentgebühren ein.

More important, today’s announcement means that companies accounting for more than half of all Android devices have now entered into patent license agreements with Microsoft.