PlayStation Vita TV


And PS Vita and PSP games can be played on your TV using this box, with a DualShock controller used to play the games. The box can also stream PS4 games from the console using this box, allowing you to potentially stream PS4 games to a different TV in your house.

Notably, Sony says that not all PS Vita games will work with the PS Vita TV hardware, since some games require a touch-screen, and this device will not provide such functionality.

Mike Rose | Gamasutra

Neue Apple-TV-Hardware gibt es diese Woche nicht, aber Sony liefert heute mindestens die Umrisse einer möglichen Zukunftsvision, die der Game-Controller-Support in iOS 7 für die kleine Fernsehbox mitbringt (bei der Touch-Eingaben sicherlich nicht vergessen werden).