Comics mit Soundtrack: Marvel spielt auf

The big new feature, though, is that Marvel is finally making available to its readers what it calls „adaptive audio.“ It’s similar to a background soundtrack or movie score, but it detects when you move from one panel to the next and plays themed music appropriate to each panel. It can also gauge how quickly the reader is changing panels and will adapt the score to suit the pace of the reader, says Marvel.

Seth Rosenblatt | CNET

Das Soundtrack-Experiment findet exklusiv über die ‚Marvel Unlimited‘-Abo-App (kostenlos; universal; App-Store-Link) statt. Ein Teaser von ‚Adaptive Audio‘, zum Auftakt aus der Feder von David Ari Leon in einer Handvoll ‚Captain America‘-Comics, ist kostenlos anzutesten.

Adrianne Jeffries | The Verge