„How Apple Makes the Watch“

IPhoneBlog de Jonys Videos

Greg Koenig sezierte im Oktober 2013 den Fertigungsprozess von Apples Mac Pro anhand seines offiziellen Werbevideos. In dieser Woche analysierte er die Herstellung von Apple Watch unter Zuhilfenahme der ‚Hardware-Porn‘-Kurzfilme über Steel, Gold und Aluminum.

Dabei stellt sich heraus: Die von Sir Jonathan Ive eingesprochenen Promos zeigen nicht nur die tatsächliche Abfolge in der Herstellung, sondern ein Maß an absurder Sorgfalt.

Though I design aluminum parts, I long ago gave up even attempting to craft them to Apple’s finishing standards. No company in the world is finishing and anodizing to Apple’s level and part of their secret is every perfectly bead blasted Apple surface starts off as a perfectly polished surface. To compete with Apple, one either needs to invest in equipment with prices equivalent to a CNC machine (6 axis robotic arms with custom end actuators – i.e. hands – to hold your parts), or pay staggering sums of money to have an expert hand polish your parts and accept the fact that the best you will ever get is a reject rate of 10%. […]

I see these videos and I see a process that could only have been created by a team looking to execute on a level far beyond what was necessary or what will be noticed. This isn’t a supply chain, it is a ritual Apple is performing to bring themselves up to the standards necessary to compete against companies with centuries of experience.

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