„iPhone Killer: The Secret History of the Apple Watch“

IPhoneBlog de iPhone Killer

Our phones have become invasive. But what if you could engineer a reverse state of being? What if you could make a device that you wouldn’t—couldn’t—use for hours at a time? What if you could create a device that could filter out all the bullshit and instead only serve you truly important information? You could change modern life. And so after three-plus decades of building devices that grab and hold our attention—the longer the better—Apple has decided that the way forward is to fight back.

Apple, in large part, created our problem. And it thinks it can fix it with a square slab of metal and a Milanese loop strap.

David Pierce | Wired.com

Ich habe keine Ahnung, ob ich durch Apple Watch mein iPhone weniger benutze („The Apple Watch Is Time, Saved“) oder ob es den Umgang nur bequemer macht („Convenience — Apple Watch’s killer feature“). Wenn es die Watch aber tatsächlich schafft in unsere tägliche Verbindung mit dem Smartphones nachhaltig einzugreifen, sie eventuell substanziell zu verschieben, … man stelle sich die Dimension davon vor.