Google und Apple begraben ihr Patent-Beil

IPhoneBlog de 2012 1548  1549

Apple Inc and Google Inc's Motorola Mobility unit have agreed to settle all patent litigation between them over smartphone technology, ending one of the highest profile lawsuits in technology.

Dan Levine | Reuters

Google und Apple entscheiden sich nach Börsenschluss am Freitagabend das Budget für ihre Anwaltskosten minimal zu reduzieren indem sie knapp zwei Dutzend angestaubte Streitigkeiten aus alten Motorola-Zeiten (mittlerweile im Besitz von Lenovo) niederlegen. Eine Kreuzlizenzierung findet nicht statt.

What's unclear is whether the agreement to dismiss all pending litigation also involves a covenant not to sue for some time.

Florian Mueller

Auch der in jüngerer Vergangenheit prominent debattierte Prozess gegen Samsung ist von der jetzigen Einigung nicht betroffen.

Apple and Google have both been sued nearly 200 times in the last five years by businesses that exist solely to file patent lawsuits. Apple last year was the top target for patent lawsuits, and Google was among the top three. To combat trolls, both companies earlier this year asked the Supreme Court to make it easier to collect lawyers’ fees from patent holders who lose frivolous patent suits.

Brian X. Chen |