Presse-Embargo endet: Erste US iPad-Reviews Online

Das (unkommentierte) ‘Unboxing-Video‘ von Stephen Fry eröffnet einen ersten Überblick der US-Testberichte vom iPad. Das Presse-Embargo lief dafür in der vergangenen Nacht aus.
Tim Gideon – PCMag

➝ Video
- To my great surprise, you can actually get real work done with the iPad.
Walter S. Mossberg – The Wall Street Journal
- Laptop Killer? Pretty Close
- The iPad lasted 11 hours and 28 minutes, about 15% more than Apple claimed. I was able to watch four feature-length movies, four TV episodes and a video of a 90-minute corporate presentation, before the battery died midway through an episode of “The Closer.”
- I did run into some other annoying limitations. For instance, the email program lacks the ability to create local folders or rules for auto-sorting messages, and it doesn’t allow group addressing.
- And it can run a new class of specially designed iPad apps, of which Apple hopes to have 1,000 at launch.
- I was able to try a pre-release version of The Wall Street Journal’s new iPad app (which I had nothing to do with designing), and found it gorgeous and highly functional—by far the best implementation of the newspaper I have ever seen on a screen.
David Pogue – The New York Times
- When the very glossy 9.7-inch screen is off, every fingerprint is grossly apparent.
- There’s an e-book reader app, but it’s not going to rescue the newspaper and book industries (sorry, media pundits). The selection is puny (60,000 titles for now).
- But as any Slashdot reader can tell you, the iPad can’t play Flash video.
- The simple act of making the multitouch screen bigger changes the whole experience. Maps become real maps, like the paper ones.
- The Marvel comic-book app is brilliant in its vividness and panel-by-panel navigation.
- And sure enough, in my own test, the iPad played movies continuously from 7:30 a.m. to 7:53 p.m. — more than 12 hours.
- The bottom line is that the iPad has been designed and built by a bunch of perfectionists. If you like the concept, you’ll love the machine. The only question is: Do you like the concept?
Edward C. Baig – USA Today
- The first iPad is a winner.
- It gives portable game machines from Nintendo and Sony a run for their money.
- The iPad is not so much about what you can do — browse, do e-mail, play games, read e-books and more — but how you can do it.
- Amazon has about 450,000 book titles in the Kindle Store vs. 60,000 in iBookstore. Many best sellers in Apple’s store cost $12.99, though some are $9.99.
- Apple has delivered another impressive product that largely lives up to the hype.
-> USA Today
Andy Ihnatko – Chicago Sun-Times

Außerdem im kontinuierlichen Re-Run bei MacBreak Weekly:
Xeni Jardin – BoingBoing
- The dead giveaway for an iPad n00b is pausing a few breaths before hitting the „on“ switch, and just let the thing rest there against skin.
- Remember The Periodic Table of Elements series of books we featured here at Boing Boing? There’s an iPad version ($13.99 in the app store, screenshots here), and it’s dazzling — it makes science feel like magic in your hands.
- More than 12 hours, with heavy video and gaming, and screen cranked up to full brightness.
-> Boing Boing
Bob LeVitus – Houston Chronicle
- It turns out the iPad isn’t as much a laptop replacement as I thought (though it could easily be used as one). Instead, it’s an entirely new category of mobile device.
- The box includes only the iPad, a Dock Connector cable, and 10W USB Power Adapter.
Omar Wasow – The Root
- The Techies Are Wrong about the iPad. Steve Jobs is right again. It is the computer for the rest of us.
- For the tech-savvy with $500 to drop on a gadget, the iPad offers a convenient way to consume and enjoy digital media without being tethered to a computer all day.
-> The Root