Apple-Store-Mitarbeiter korrigieren Kartendaten

IPhoneBlog de Apple Store NYC

MacRumors has learned that Apple is piloting a program to tap into its vast number of retail store employees to help improve the company’s new Maps app for iOS 6. Details on the initiative remain unclear, but multiple sources have indicated that participating stores will dedicate 40 hours of staff time per week, distributed among a number of employees, to manually examine Apple’s mapping data in their areas and submit corrections and improvements.

Apple schaufelt Arbeitszeit von Apple-Store-Mitarbeitern für die eigene Kartenpflege frei. Klingt clever. In den USA arbeiten zwischen 30.000 und 43.000 Angestellte im Retail-Verkauf. Weltweit betreibt Apple aktuell 380+ offizielle Stores.

Randnotiz: Morgen schaltet Google seine ‚Street View‚-Ansicht für mobile Browser frei.