Apple-Store-Shopping vom iPad

IPhoneBlog de Apple Store iPad

Die iPad-App für den Apple-Store-Einkauf, die in ihren ersten Minuten nur im amerikanischen Store zum Download steht (kostenlos; US-Link), legt die Messlatte für jedes digitale Shopping-Schaufenster eine Stufe höher.

It’s a much better experience than the web, where you have to click and scroll around the site to figure out what all of those numbers mean. It’s not a huge thing, but when you’re in the focused environs of the app, you’re presented with the right info when you need it, with minimal fuss. Compare that to apps like Amazon or eBay, where multiple panes and taps are needed to bounce around to find the info you need and it’s a huge improvement.

Matthew Panzarino | TechCrunch