Googles neuer Play-Store-Prüfprozess

IPhoneBlog de Play Store Pruefprozess

Several months ago, we began reviewing apps before they are published on Google Play to better protect the community and improve the app catalog. This new process involves a team of experts who are responsible for identifying violations of our developer policies earlier in the app lifecycle. We value the rapid innovation and iteration that is unique to Google Play, and will continue to help developers get their products to market within a matter of hours after submission, rather than days or weeks. In fact, there has been no noticeable change for developers during the rollout.

Creating Better User Experiences on Google Play

Google schaut jetzt auch auf alle Apps, die Entwickler im Play Store einreichen. Der neue Pre-Prüfprozess scheint im Gegensatz zu Apple in erster Linie automatisiert abzulaufen und spart sich deshalb die durchschnittliche App-Store-Prüfdauer, die nach offiziellen Angaben derzeit bei fünf Geschäftstagen liegt.

The reason why Google’s app review team is able to process app submissions so quickly is because the system also includes an automated element. Before app reviewers are presented with the applications, Google uses software to pre-analyze the app for things like viruses and malware as well as other content violations. For example, its image analysis systems are capable of automatically detecting apps that include sexual content, as well as those that infringe on other applications’ copyright.

Sarah Perez | TechCrunch