„Can the MacBook Pro Replace Your iPad?“

IPhoneBlog de iPad Pro MacBook

There has been a lot of talk in recent weeks about the MacBook Pro and, in particular, whether it can replace an iPad Pro for getting real work done.

Firstly, consider the hardware. The huge issue with the MacBook Pro is its form factor. The fact that the keyboard and screen are limited to being held in an L-shaped configuration seriously limits its flexibility. It is basically impossible to use a MacBook pro while standing up and downright dangerous to use when walking around. Your computing is limited to times when you are able to find somewhere to sit down. […]

Mac OS X also suffers from a much smaller range of available apps. Instead of the native apps you get on iOS for services like Netflix, Airbnb, Google Docs, YouTube and the like, Mac users have to make do with accessing these services through a web browser. That’s quite a hoop to jump through to get your work done: forcing such a huge proportion of your work through one app.

Fraser Speirs

Zu Beginn ist es eine witzig Idee, am Ende des Artikels führt man die Argumentation in Gedanken weiter.

Meine erste Ergänzung: Touch ID – sicherer und bequemer als jedes (fortlaufend wechselndes) Passwort, das aus mindestens acht Kleinbuchstaben (und ein paar Großbuchstaben) besteht, Sonderzeichen und Ziffern enthält, und nach jeder Kaffeepause einmal korrekt einzutippen ist.