Super Mario Run rennt am 15. Dezember in den App Store


10 Euro werden es. Ich hatte nach der WWDC-Keynote (00:01:30) auf 15 Euro getippt.

And maybe that’s a good thing for the mobile games industry in general. It’s no secret mobile game developers are having the devil’s time trying to make a profit off their work. Free-to-play games are usually regarded as garbage, but at the same time few people want to pay more than $0.99 USD for a mobile game, even if that game is stunning. Nintendo, by contrast, is seemingly uninterested in joining everyone else at rock bottom. It feels Super Mario Run is worth $9.99, and by letting you play part of the game for free, it’s giving you a chance to agree or disagree.

Nadia Oxford |

Pokémon Go verteilte sich bislang 500 Millionen Mal. Super Mario Run (universal; App-Store-Link) wird durch seine (zeitbegrenzte) iOS-Exklusivität nicht ganz so schnell diese Download-Zahlen erreichen. Trotzdem dürfte das Mario-Smartphone-Debüt (ohne Mühe) das meistverkaufte Videospiel in diesem Weihnachtsgeschäft werden.