„Apple now rejects App Store submissions when the name includes the price“

Apple has stepped up its efforts to stop developers from promoting the price of their apps in app names and screenshots. For the past month or so, Apple’s iTunes Connect service has been blocking submissions to the App Store or Mac App Store when app metadata includes pricing information. […]

„Your app’s name, icons, screenshots, or previews to be displayed on the App Store include references to your app’s price, which is not considered a part of these metadata items.“

An Apple spokesperson confirmed the changes but declined to comment further.


Mit der Bezeichnung „Free“ in App-Store-Titeln wurde selten Qualitätssoftware beworben. Eigennamen sind natürlich ausgeschlossen. Es geht explizit um die Benutzung als Preismerkmal. Und das war schlicht Metadaten-Spam.