„Inside Apple’s Quest To Transform Photography“

It’s worth noting that Apple has been working towards this in ways that are far less flashy than Portrait Lighting. The cameras on the 8 Plus and the X, for example, detect snow as a situation and automatically make adjustments to white balance, exposure, and whatnot so you don’t need to worry about it. „It’s all seamless; the camera just does what it needs to,“ says Schiller. „The software knows how to take care of it for you. There are no settings.“

There are no settings. In other words, yes, „it just works.“

”This is not about dumbing things down,“ Manzari observes, noting that as devices become more professional, they often become more intimidating. „This is about accessibility. It’s about helping people take advantage of their own creativity.“

John Paczkowski

Ich habe nie verstanden, warum keiner der großen Kamerahersteller jemals den Mut aufgebracht hat, eine kompakte Fotokamera zu verkaufen, die nur einen einzigen Knopf hat – den Auslöser.

Ich wette, die Idee der „no settings“ wäre super angekommen. Natürlich ist heute die Zeit dafür lange vorbei.