Erweiterte Bedienungshilfe in iOS 14.2: LiDAR-Scanner erkennt Personen


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In der Beta von iOS 14.2 bekommt die Lupe (➞ Einstellungen ➞ Bedienungshilfen) auf iPhones und iPads mit LiDAR-Scanner eine Erkennung von Personen.

The purpose of People Detection is to aid blind and low vision users in navigation; this type of application is particularly well-suited for the LiDAR sensor in iPhone 12 Pro. The goal is to help the visually impaired understand their surroundings—examples include knowing how many people there are in the checkout line at the grocery store, how close one is standing to the end of the platform at the subway station, and finding an empty seat at a table. Another use case is in this era of social distancing; the software can tell you if you’re within six feet of another person in order to maintain courtesy and safety.

Steven Aquino | Forbes