Google: „The beginning of the end of the password“

Screenshot fürs Google-Passkey-Setup auf dem iPhone.

Last year — alongside FIDO Alliance, Apple and Microsoft — we announced we would begin work to support passkeys on our platform as an easier and more secure alternative to passwords. And today, ahead of World Password Day, we’ve begun rolling out support for passkeys across Google Accounts on all major platforms. They’ll be an additional option that people can use to sign in, alongside passwords, 2-Step Verification (2SV), etc.

So maybe, by next year’s World Password Day, you won’t even need to use your password, much less remember it!

Heute kamen wir der passwortlosen Zukunft einen großen Schritt näher. Die Erstellung unter dauerte am iPhone vielleicht 15 Sekunden. Mit iCloud-Schlüsselbund-Sync war die Google-Anmeldung damit direkt im Anschluss über alle meine Computer möglich.