„The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus Review: Iterating on a Flagship“

Zwei Abschnitte von Anandtechs (gewohnt ausgewogenem) Testbericht stechen für mich heraus: die Passage über den Homebutton und die Beschreibung der Kameraleistung in puncto Video.


Brandon Chester fühlt ebenfalls die Reaktionsschnelligkeit der neuen iPhone-7-Hometaste.

However, the solid state nature of the new home button actually presents some interesting advantages. Because it’s not a physical button that has to move down and then move back to its original position, you can perform successive clicks with essentially no delay beyond how quickly you can press down with your finger. This means that actions like double tapping to open the recent apps tray or double tapping to access Apple Pay on the lock screen are significantly quicker on the iPhone 7.

Hinzu kommt, dass iOS 10 die UI Performance ändert, wie Apple ihm bestätigte.

One of the areas where Apple has deployed these features is opening and closing applications. In the past, you were forced to wait for the app opening animation to finish before you could return to the home screen, which was quite bothersome if you accidentally opened an application that took a while to load its initial ViewController. This animation can now be interrupted, allowing you to cancel the opening of the application instantly by pressing the home button. The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus also have a special feature when closing applications. If you keep your finger on the home button and press it a second time after pressing to close the app, you can override the app closing and transition to the recent apps screen.

Punkt 2: Videoaufnahmen.

Looking at 1080p30 video I’m just profoundly disappointed by how high-end Android devices perform in comparison. The state of affairs here is so depressing there’s really no reason to compare 1080p60, 4K, or slow motion capture because it’s clear to me that something is just fundamentally broken (or consistently misconfigured) with Snapdragon 820’s encode blocks. Even casual examination reveals massive macroblocking any time the sky comes into view, which is something we’ve consistently seen with the HTC 10, Galaxy S7, LG G5, and OnePlus 3. Other than this, the LG G5 and Galaxy S7 both have extremely oversaturated color rendition which just doesn’t represent reality. The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus clearly have better output than any other Android device.

The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus Review: Iterating on a Flagship

Die Klötzchenbildung ist inakzeptabel. Die überzogene Farbsättigung geht dagegen in erster Linie auf das fehlende Farbmanagement von Android zurück.

Interessant wird, ob Googles Pixel (Qualcomm Snapdragon 821), das Apples Ansatz von Hard- und Software aus einer Hand verfolgt, dies besser hinbekommt.