Sticker finden ihren Weg in den Chat


Connie Chan hat mir mit ihrem Text über Sticker in Chat-Apps viel zustimmendes Kopfnicken abgerungen.

And sometimes stickers can convey what words cannot! This form of visual communication has become so popular in Asia — especially in China’s WeChat and Japan’s LINE — that it is not uncommon to see a deep thread of multiple messages without a single word. They’re not just for those crazy young kids. More notably, stickers are commonly used in professional, not just personal, chats as well. Not so frivolous after all. In fact, stickers are so core to the success of Line, that its CEO actually credited them as the “turning point” for that app. He shared that it took Line Messenger almost four months to find its first two million users … but after stickers were launched, it took only two days to find the next million. The company now makes over $270M a year just from selling stickers.

The Elements of Stickers

Mit iOS 10 spielt hier auch Apple mit – endlich.

Session 204 der diesjährigen WWDC zeigt wie man als Kreativkopf – ohne eine Zeile Code – seine Sticker-Sets in Apples Nachrichten-App bringt. Ich glaube, es ist eine sichere Wette, dass dieses bereits langjährig etablierte Feature aus Asien auch in Europa und Nordamerika zieht.