„Where the Fuck Can I Stream This?“

Anyway, here’s what I want. An app/website that has a search box. A big fucking search box. Like Google times three. 72 point font size at least. Honestly, all I want is a search box. You can have a logo, I suppose. You type in what you’re looking for. That could be the name of a show or movie. Or a general description. Maybe a star, director, or the like. And you hit return.

Then. Wait for it…

You get a result. A single result. Maybe a few if your description was vague and the service is not sure what you want. And it says this show or movie or documentary is playing on this service right now. Or starting on this date. Ideally it also shows leaving on this date. That’s it. That’s the service.

M.G. Siegler

„It’s a feature, not a product.“

Reelgood, Likewise, JustWatch oder WerStreamt.es funktionieren okay-ish. Mein Recherche-Weg führt über Trakt.tv, die die Daten von JustWatch nutzen.

In den „Watch Now“-Einstellungen lässt sich euer Land festlegen und welche TV- und Seriendienste ihr abonniert habt.

Mit Listen und Kalendern behalte ich bevorstehende Veröffentlichungen im Blick. Die Trakt.tv-App soll Release-Termine zukünftig auch pushen.