„iPhone’s Portrait Mode: Past, Present, and Foreground“

Ich habe heute Vormittag mit dem Porträtmodus im iPhone X gespielt. Dieser Kamera-Mode trägt zwar weiterhin den gleichen Namen, ist aber kein Vergleich mehr mit dem (lediglich) fünf Jahre älteren iPhone 13.

Bild zeigt Screenshots von zwei iPhones (iPhone 13 + iPhone X))

Portrait mode isn’t the default shooting mode on iPhone. It lacks the beloved Live Photo feature, skips out on some of Apple’s more intense image processing (which some would argue is a benefit), and its results aren’t ideal for all camera use cases.

However, the introduction of Cinematic mode’s video depth of field effect opens the door to the same effect on Live Photo animations, higher processor speeds could enable more intense image processing in Portrait mode, and the blur effect could be toggled on or off both pre-capture and post-capture. All of this would exponentially increase file sizes and processing power requirements, but technological improvement tends to negate these issues in due time. I’d wager that Portrait mode will one day be enabled in the camera app by default.

Nate Pfeiffer

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