Interessante Hausnummer: 2.5 Millionen aktive ‚Real Racer‘

Third, our mobile business generated $104 million for the quarter and was up 21% over the prior year. Smartphones and tablets were a major portion of the revenue accounting for $79 million of the $104 million total, growing 27% year-over-year. Real Racing 3 successfully launched simultaneously on iOS and Android, while The Simpsons: Tapped Out continued to be a key contributor. We remain focused on this segment due to the significant global growth in the smartphone and tablet markets.

Electronic Arts Q4/2013

Die EA-Quartalszahlen beziffern Real Racing 3 mit insgesamt 30 Millionen Downloads und 2.5 Millionen täglichen Spielern. Ein Statement zu den Einnahmen der letzten Firemonkeys-Kreation fehlt.

Konkrete (Millionen-)Umsätze gibt’s dagegen zu The Simpsons: Tapped Out, das seit August 2012 zirka 50 Millionen US-Dollar für Electronic Arts erwirtschaftete – 10 Millionen davon im Monat März.