Suchergebnisse für „If you don't have an iPhone“

Neue AirPods-Firmware enthält automatischen Gerätewechsel und „Spatial Audio“

iOS 14 rückt näher. Zum Ende der Beta-Phase erhalten die AirPods Pro den zur WWDC versprochenen 3D-Klang („Spatial Audio”) sowie den automatischen Kopfhörerwechsel zwischen Apple-Geräten. Voraussetzung ist die Beta-Version des Betriebssystems sowie die neue Firmware (3A283) der AirPods (➝ Einstellungen ➝ Allgemein ➝ Über). When you’re wearing AirPods Pro, you don’t have a full surroundan class="read-more" >

Akku schwach. Performance ON/OFF?

Tim Cook im Interview mit Rebecca Jarvis (um iPhone-Akkus geht es ab Minute 2:50): „…we will tell somebody if we are reducing your performance by some amount in order to not have an unexpected restart. And if you don’t want it. You can turn it off. Now we don’t recommend it, because we think thatan class="read-more" >

„The Mystery of Apple, Inc.’s One-Time Services Boost“

Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) reported fiscal fourth quarter earnings last week, and it was a blockbuster release both in terms of the September quarter as well as guidance for the December quarter. However, there was one big question mark buried within the release: a one-time positive adjustment of $640 million that was booked in the servicesan class="read-more" >

„Future iOS update will shut the door on apps from the dawn of the smartphone“

As Apple says, purging older apps and keeping them from running is mostly good for users; even if an older app still runs on iOS, it won’t support all the newest APIs, and users may experience crashes and other issues that an actively maintained app wouldn’t suffer from. The main problem, as is often the case with software andan class="read-more" >

AutoSleep + Health + Gyroscope

AutoSleep doesn’t install any app on your Apple Watch and you don’t have to interact with it before going to bed. The app’s instructions make it clear: if you want to use your Apple Watch as a sleep tracker, you just need to wear it and sleep. That’s it. No toggling of on/off modes, noan class="read-more" >

„Unable to open links in Safari, Mail or Messages on iOS 9.3“ have updated their association file – it’s now only 4 KB – this hasn’t fixed the issue but should prevent new users that install from hitting the same problem. Even reinstalling the app and rebooting doesn’t fix it – the swcd (shared web credentials daemon) crashes once it’s got corrupt data in it. Short version: therean class="read-more" >

iPad Pro — Präferenzen und Prioritäten

„I shit you not“, das ist der achte Versuch ein paar grundlegende Gedanken zum iPad Pro aus meinen Gehirnwindungen zu wringen. Es ist das achte Mal, dass ich mich am Abend mit Kopfhörern, dem ‚Chronicles Of The Wasteland‘-Soundtrack und einem gut gefüllten Kaffeebecher auf die Couch verziehe. Sieben Mal beendete ich einen solchen Abend voran class="read-more" >

Apple Watch vs. Fitbit

Apple continues to dominate the smart watch market, holding onto its sizeable lead through the second quarter of Apple Watch shipments. The company has now shipped nearly 7 million smart watches since launch, a figure in excess of all other vendors’ combined shipments over the previous five quarters. In Q3 Apple was the only smartan class="read-more" >